14 Dec 2013

End of the Year 2013 #ReadingCram Read-a-thon Week One Update

Originally, I'd planned on doing daily updates for my reading process but unforeseen circumstances this week meant that I've decided to just make this one post to cover from days three to seven of the read-a-thon.

My stats for day three were as follows...

Currently Reading: A Million Suns by Beth Revis
Pages read today: 567
Total pages read: 977
Books finished today: 2 – Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Poison Study
Total books read: 4

On day four, I read a grand total of 18 pages of A Million Suns, which bumped up my total pages read to 995. For days five and six, I read nothing- literally, not a single word. I came down with a bid of a cold and I just wasn't up to reading.

But that's okay, because I made up for that today! 

Currently Reading: The 100 by Kass Morgan (120 pages in)
Pages read today: 518
Total pages read: 1513
Books finished today: 1 – A Million Suns
Total books read: 5

I thought I'd do a little visual representation of what I've achieved so far...

The red lines mark the book as finished, and the purple border means that I have yet to start the book, which is why The 100 has no mark at all. 

I should finish The 100 tomorrow, then I'm thinking of staring The Lake of Tears because it will be a reasonably quick read. I'm also hoping to be doing a buddy read with Dana for Never Fade (Can I just say how excited I am to get back into that story?) Otherwise, I haven't really planned which books to read next. I'm open to suggestions!